Thursday, May 21, 2020

8/9/2008 Nairobi-safari tour Nairobi National Park, Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage, Giraffe Manor, lunch Verandah, Bomas, Safari Park Hotel

We are up at 5:00 am!  I guess we are excited to start our day.  Now I can take pictures of our hotel.  It's quite nice.  Too bad we never got to enjoy the swimming pool!


Our hotel

Our room

Hotel pool

Buffet breakfast at our hotel.  Lots of items to choose from and very tasty.  I had a made to order omelet, fresh fruit, toast, and coffee.  Richard is more adventurous so what he had was more like a combo American/European/African breakfast.

We are in the lobby for our 7:00 am pick up.  I had booked a full day tour with Waymark for $80 per person.  We meet Billy and Kennedy.  Billy is our driver/guide for Nairobi National Park.  We first saw the ashes from ivory burning.  This is ivory confiscated from poachers who sell the elephant ivory tusks.  The Nairobi skyline.  More wildlife than I expected.  Black rhino, Burchell's or plains zebras, hartebeest, tawny eagle up in a tree, eland, grey crowned crane, male impala, Massai giraffe, long tailed fiscal shrike on a tree branch, warthog, sacred ibis in a tree, and secretary bird in the distance.  I am very happy!  To see a black rhino is amazing as they are few and far between.

Nairobi National Park

Ashes from ivory (elephant) burning

Black rhino

Black rhino

Nairobi skyline seen from the park

Burchell's zebra


Tawny eagle


Grey crowned crane

Male impala

Maasai giraffe

Long tailed fiscal shrike


Sacred ibis

Secretary bird very far away 

This is what the secretary bird looks like on the ground

At 10:30 am we dropped off Billy and Kennedy took over.  Stop at the David Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage Center.  There is a $5 per person charge.  I bought a booklet about this center.  Took lots of pictures of the baby elephants.  These are elephants orphaned mostly because someone has killed their mother.  There is a blind rhino that was born at the Nairobi National Park.  He will remain here until he dies.  The baby eles will hopefully be released back into the wild.

Blind rhino Maxwell

Our next stop is Giraffe Manor Feeding Center.  Cost $9 per person.  These are Rothschild giraffes.  We got to feed the giraffes and even had one kiss me!

Rothschild giraffe

Oh my!

Lunch is at the Verandah at Utamaduni.  I had a small side salad and coke while Richard had a ham sandwich with coleslaw and a Tusker.  Normally we don't have lunch at home so we opted for something light.

There are shops here at Utamaduni.  I ended up buying an elephant soapstone figure and a woven bamboo purse.  At another stop I got an olive wood bowl.

Our last stop is Bomas.  Cost $10 per person.  We saw different dances from areas of Kenya.

We return to our hotel around 6:00 pm.  Had dinner at the hotel.  I had a ham sandwich and coffee.  Richard had chow mien and coffee.  Boring!!!!!!!

Dinner at our hotel

This hotel has a gift shop.  I bought some things for my 3 week old grandson-a wooden rattle and a bag of stuffed African animals.  I'm going to make a crib mobile using these animals.

Bag of stuffed animals

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