Thursday, May 21, 2020

8/19/2008 Leave Ngorongoro to drive to Tarangire, village Mto Wa Mbu visit and lunch, Tarangire Sopa

Buffet breakfast.  I'm feeling a bit queasy so I only have toast and tea.  Sad to leave Ngorongoro but not sad to leave the cold behind!  Lovely scenery as we drive.

Today we head to Tarangire which is near Lake Manyara.  A rest stop brings us to a souvenir store.  Here I bought a sisal basket, a necklace, and an ebony candle stick holder.  At the rate I'm going I'll need another suitcase just for my souvenirs!

Lake Manyara

Rest stop
We stop at the village of Mto Wa Mbu.  This village is visited frequently by tourists.  We stopped at the medical clinic where a doctor told us what this clinic does.  I left a $5 donation.  We walked through a small banana plantation, learned about the making of banana beer.  Went through the market where I bought a pair of flip flops for 1500 ksh.  We stopped at the school.  At the boys' class I gave out pens, crayons, and pencils I had brought with me as I knew we'd be stopping at a school.  We had lunch here.

Mto Wa Mbu village

Medical clinic

Clinic doctor


I bought one of these pretty bowls 


Tasting banana beer



Continuing on our way we see wildebeest by the power lines.  Entering Tarangire National Park we see a breeding herd of elephants of females,  babies, and young males.  We reach the Tarangire River.  Elephants and zebra drinking water from the river.  Impressive baobab trees.  Impala herd with a male with horns, females, and young.

Baobob tree

Impala herd

Male impala

We reach Tarangire Sopa Lodge where we will spend 2 nights.  We have time to enjoy the pool.  So refreshing.  Dinner.

Time in the pool!

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