Thursday, May 21, 2020

8/15/2008 Drive Amboseli to Namanga, goodbye Kenya hello Tanzania, Ranger Safaris, lunch at Mt. Village, drive to Lake Manyara, Lake Manyara Serena Lodge

Breakfast at our lodge is at 6:30 am.  Check out.  Take some last pictures of Mount Kilimanjaro.  We also saw some monkeys in a tree on the grounds of the lodge.


Mount Kilimanjaro

On the lodge grounds we see some monkeys

We are leaving Amboseli behind heading west to the colorful border town of Namanga.  It should take us almost 3 hours to get there.  In Namanga we will say goodbye to Givan and Kenya and will cross over into Tanzania.   We are scheduled to be picked up by Ranger Safaris at 9:30 am in Namanga for this next leg of our trip. Arriving in Namanga I give Givan an envelope with a thank you note and a nice tip of $100 for his services.  Per tipping information I had it was suggested $5 per person per day for safari guides.  Givan had been our safari guide for 5 full days so anything over $50 I would consider generous.  He deserved it because he made sure we saw lots of wildlife-animals and birds.  Our time with him was very enjoyable.  I took pictures of us with him.

Namanga is dusty but colorful.  Since it's a border town it's also busy.  We are directed to the building where we get our Tanzania visas.  Cost $200 for both of us.  Our Tanzania driver/guide is Mattey from Ranger Safaris.  We leave Namanga to go to Arusha/Mt. Village where we have lunch and a general information meeting.  It takes about 2 hours to drive from Namanga to Arusha.  On the way we drive through the town of Longito.  We also have good views of Mount Meru.  Lunch was nice with the guys posing for a picture of them holding beer-Tanzania beer.

Tanzania currency and stamps


Mount Meru

Mt. Village lunch view

Tanzanian beer

We are now on our way to Lake Manyara-a drive of  maybe 3 hours.  We will stay at  Lake Manyara Serena Lodge for 1 night.  Plenty of time to settle in and relax.  We have time to explore the lodge which is very nice as has been all our accommodations in Kenya.  At the gift shop I bought a beaded hair barrette, a Maasai spear, and some postcards.  The spear comes apart so I will be able to put it in my checked luggage when it's time to return home.  We head down to the pool where we are entertained by singers/music.  Very nice.



Our room

View of Lake Manyara

Unfortunately Ed is not feeling well again and Karen has decided to stay with him so dinner is just Richard and myself.  It's sit down instead of the buffets we usually had in Kenya.  I had onion soup, salad, chicken made with spices and in a yummy sauce. rice, fresh broccoli/carrots/cauliflower.  Dessert was a buffet.  I selected apple cobbler and some fresh fruit-watermelon and pineapple.  The food was fantastic.

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