Thursday, May 21, 2020

8/20/2008 Tarangire, morning game drive, BBQ lunch at the lodge, afternoon game drive, sunset

Buffet breakfast at our lodge.  Tarangire is near Lake Manyara National Park and the Tarangire River.    This park is a good dry season (between August and October) destination when it has one of the highest concentrations of wildlife of any of the country's parks.  Large herds of zebras, wildebeest, hartebeest, and elephants can be found here.  Also good for bird watching especially between October and May.

We met at 8:00 am for our first game drive today.  Lots of wildlife.  Female grey duiker, hyena tracks pointed out to us by Mattey, giraffe, long crested eagle, dik diks, red throated spur fowl, carcass of a dead elephant, superb starling, red horn bill, elephants, zebra, more giraffe, lion tracks, vultures in a tree, jackals, young male lion, white backed vulture.  There's a construction crew building a retaining wall to prevent soil erosion.  The Tarangire River.  Silale swamp.  Common waterbuck/toilet seat butt, all male bachelor herd of impala, black smith plover bird, red billed guelea which are very tiny birds, hammerkop bird, breeding herd of female impalas, ostrich, termite mound, superb starlings, little bee eaters, lilac breasted roller, southern ground hornbills, more elephants, spur winged geese swimming in the water, cattle egrets which are small white birds, unusual looking tree.  We head back to the lodge for lunch.

Female grey duiker

Hyena tracks

Long crested eagle

Male dik dik has small horns on top of its head

Female dik dik with no horns

Red throated spur fowl

Dead elephant carcass

Superb starling

Red hornbill bird

Lion tracks

Vultures in a tree

Black backed jackals

Young male lion

White backed vulture

Construction crew building a retaining wall

Tarangire River-bachelor herd impala and common waterbuck

Common waterbuck

Common waterbuck/toilet seat butt

Black smith plover

Red billed guelea-tiny birds

Hammerkop bird


Silale swamp

Termite mound

Superb starlings

Little bee eater

Lilac breasted roller

Southern ground hornbill


Spur winged geese

Cattle egrets

Lunch is a BBQ by the pool.  Nothing's better than BBQ!  Saw an agama lizard crawling up the side of a building.


Agama lizard


We have a late afternoon game drive at 4:00 pm.  Elephants, zebra.  We see ashy starling which are endemic-only found in Tanzania.  White bellied bustard, giraffe, southern ground hornbill which is a black bird with a red on its bill, lots of zebra, bachelor herd of impala, giraffe, saddle billed stork, namaqua doves in the road, ring neck dove, dune palm tree, pearl spotted owl, more zebra, wildebeest.

Ashy starling

White bellied bustard


Southern ground hornbill

Bachelor herd impala



Saddle-billed stork

Namaqua doves

Ring necked dove

Dune palm tree

Pearl spotted owl

Wildebeest and zebra

Back at our lodge there's a pretty sunset.  The view is spectacular as we can see not only the colors of the sunset but giraffe and cape buffalo.  Dinner.  I so wish I had taken pictures of our meals-breakfasts, lunches, dinners.  What I remember is that the food was delicious.  So much variety.  Gift shop.  Our comfy beds.

Giraffe at sunset

Cape buffalo

Pool at night

Beautiful wood carvings 


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