Thursday, May 21, 2020

8/23/2008 Samburu, early morning game drive, camel safari, late afternoon game drive, Samburu Intrepids Camp

 Meet Jelly at 6:30 am for early game drive.  I think we have breakfast when we return.  Maybe not, I didn't write anything down.

We spot elephants, gerenuk, olive baboons-some on the ground and others in trees, reticulated giraffe, Somali ostrich, more elephants, cattle egret chased by a baby elephant.  Male Somali ostrich is sitting on the eggs in the nest.  Jelly explains the male and female take turns sitting on the nest.


The dik diks look so tiny next to the elephants!


Olive baboon

Reticulated giraffe

Male Somali ostrich sitting on eggs in the nest


This cattle egret is going to be chased by the baby elephant in the picture below

We return to the lodge.  Breakfast.  I've booked us a camel safari for 11:00 am.  Cost was $34 total plus I gave a tip.  One of the guys had my camera and took pictures.  This was quite daunting as we've never ridden camels before!  No saddle-just sticks to hold on to.  The camels are laying down so it's not hard to get on.  We've been told to lean back as when the camel rises there will be a forward motion.  So far, so good!  We are going to cross the river and ride near the Samburu settlement.  Many work at the camp here.  I made notes that I saw women walking back to their settlement with bunches of sticks on their backs.  These sticks will be used for fire for cooking and such.  I have to give these women credit.  They go to the river to get water, they get the wood.  They tie all the containers filled with water to their goats to take back to their "village".  Then the goats are let loose to roam around.


Camel safari

Crossing the river

Getting off the camel

Lunch.  We're also able to enjoy the pool!  Back to our tent we see our beds have been nicely made

Pool with Richard on the lounger

I'm enjoying pool time!

Our beds have been nicely made

Our game drive is at 4:00  pm.  We see olive baboons, an elephant with only 1 tusk, reticulated giraffe, red billed hornbill, unstriped ground squirrel, female impala, elephants by the river, vulture guinea fowl, an impala family consisting of male/several females/babies, female Somali ostrich group, Grevy's zebra which have thinner stripes which are not on their bellies.  The scenery is pretty nice too.  By the river and then at Leopard Rocks.  Beisa oryx with 2 babies, male and female Somali ostrich, warthog with Grevy's zebra, cape buffalo with red billed oxpecker, more elephants.  So we've seen all the special 5-I think.

Olive baboon

Taking a drink

Mother elephant with 1 tusk and baby

Reticulated giraffe

Red billed hornbill

Unstriped ground squirrel

Female impala


Vulturine guinea fowl

Male impala

Female impala and baby

Female Somali ostrich group

Leopard Rocks

Grevy's zebra

Beisa oryx

Somali ostrich 


Cape buffalo with red billed oxpecker on its face by the buffalo's nose

Our last night here.  Lovely dinner.  There's a large group of professional photographers who have arrived.  I thought my "safari" lens was big but it's nothing compared to what these folks have!

Pool lit up at night 

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